Career Guidance-Graduates
We believe matching your passion for your career is important. If you are doing your graduation/post-graduation or have recently graduated from college, we recommend this solution. Leverage our data-driven methodology to determine which careers you will find most fulfilling and prepare yourself for the same.
Samcara has accordingly designed career assessment, counseling, and guidance interventions and programs to address the aforementioned need. Samcara has already counselled students from IIM-Ahmedabad, IIM-Bangalore, IIM-Calcutta, IIM-Lucknow, IIM-Indore, GIM, Manipal Global, ITM University, JSB, DSB, NSB. It has also counselled Engineers from many IITs and students from St Stephen’s, Hindu College, SRCC, Loyola and other leading colleges.

The Platform
Define your Values and Drivers; do your strength analysis in terms of your skills and interests
What type of work, environment, and organization will meet your needs, fit-In with your values, and use your key strengths?
This section helps you articulate your key competencies and prepare for selection processes

It will help you :
Is this meant for me?
Yes, if you are doing your graduation / post-graduation; your college does not provide specialized career counseling and support services, or you are not satisfied with the same.
What Do I Do?
Write to us at
OR call: +91-98180-08376