Career Assessment Tests
You may well be familiar with the fact that pursuing a career based on your area of interest provides a fulfilling and satisfying job experience. Hasn’t it been rightly said, “choose a job that you love and you wouldn’t have to work a single day.” How does this happen? This happens because of inner motivation, which helps in accomplishing a task efficiently. You too could achieve this level of motivation and efficiency by taking a well planned and conscious career decision.
There are steps to making a well-informed career decision. It is similar to moving up a ladder, one step at a time. A good step is to take up a Career Assessment Test that would help you map out your specific areas of interests, preferences, strengths, weaknesses and, personality. After all, performance and efficiency in a job are based on the above-listed parameters. You will also come to know if your current career or job options match your actual career interests. Given below are four assessment tools that can help help you choose the right career.
Birkman Test
Birkman Test is one of the most widely acclaimed career assessment tests used by companies, specialising in career management services, across the globe. What sets the test apart from other career assessment tests is its ability to delve deep into characteristics such as behavioural, motivational and occupational. What makes the test further unique is its technique for evaluating stress responses towards situations in general. The entire test is based on around two hundred and eighty questions focusing on social perception, career priorities and responses towards specific situations.
Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI is based on the principle that an individual’s preferences and judgment have a close impact on her or his decision making. As a result, the MBTI uses indicators such as perceiving, intuition, judging and thinking for calculating areas of strength and weaknesses that in turn impact the decision-making process.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS)
This test, unlike the MBTI, uses behavioural patterns as indicators for finding out about an individual’s career interests. The test uses four temperaments- artisan, guardian, idealist and rational- to identify preferences of an individual, which in turn influence the behaviour patterns.
Strong Interest Inventory
The Strong Interest Inventory test is used to decipher such areas of interests of an individual that may help identify one’s potential job or educational interests. The test is based on around two ninety-one questions for gauging an individual’s professional and personal interests in six areas- realistic, artistic, innovative, social, conventional and investigative.
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