Transition from Olive Greens to the Corporate
“The journey from college to training academy and beyond, through the military career has been exacting. Learning experiences of attributes of leadership , team-work, esprit-de-corps were a few key takeaways of pride from the lifespan. This ‘way of life’ secured a pedestal of awe for me and my transition to corporate was spontaneous and smooth at 54. I joined a techno-managerial senior management position at an Indian MNC in IT sector within two weeks of superannuation. Abilities keep evolving with efforts so does your suitability for diverse roles. This enlarged my vision and gave me a much needed appetite for learning and I later switched to project management and operations domain.Officers in the age group of 45 to 50 with unique experiences are bound to make an ever acceptable ‘fit’ in host of roles ranging from generalists to specialists in the industry.”
In words of Col Himmat Singh,
“Transition from ‘Olive Greens’ to less travelled and newer way of life- Corporate, is rife with unique challenges. As I look back in my more than three decades of military career and last five years of re-attired life, a few compatibility factors of relevance surface which merit focus. ‘Type-cast’ status as a professional, attitudinal ‘tug of war’ causing asymmetry in mind-set and fixated outlook seem to impose lower levels of acceptability. This invariably results into complexities in ‘Team Building’ and thus adversely impacts accomplishment of objectives. It is for these reasons that a professional facilitator is a ‘must’ to orchestrate seamless orbital switch in the career.”
Defense Services officers are required to launch themselves in a new ‘Avatar’ to cope with the transitional challenges. The strategy and methodology crafted by Samcara to achieve said objective is based on the rationale of“know yourself — know the new — prepare for it — make a right choice — place yourself to succeed”.
The officer corps is highly trained in efficient management of man, machine and the resources. Every year, close to 100 officers prematurely leave service at an average age of 40 years. This trained and experienced pool of manpower constitute a valuable human capital for employment in corporate. As a matter of fact the option is not only viable but offers unmatched ROI by ensuring ‘right fit’ for both managerial and techno-managerial positions. HR professionals of Samcara can immensely contribute in bringing about a win-win situation in this backdrop.